Photo: Wil Stewart/

To All the People I Miss Dearly,

Arthur Ramirez
8 min readMay 21, 2018

Living afar, people I haven’t seen or chatted with in days, months, years. People I hoped to make a connection but have failed in numerous ways. People I can never see again. People who have passed on to some unknown void beyond this sensory deprivation tank we like to call Existence.

I wish I could say I think about you every day. I can’t, because honestly, I don’t. It might take me days to remember your laughter, your quirks, what music you used to love or currently love. Probably because we can’t physically see each other, living hundreds, maybe thousands, of miles apart. Probably because our schedules always clash, and we can’t find a time to sit down and chat. Maybe we’re too lazy. Maybe we’ve forgotten how much effort it takes to remain in contact with someone. We might’ve taken different career paths; some of you are engineers, chemists, musicians, artists, biologists, analysts, clerks, financial reps, sales reps, fill in the blanks with the corresponding occupation. Some of you haven’t finished school yet or are still attending school to attain your Master’s or Doctorate. Some of you have settled into your own camaraderie, have a specific grocery store or movie theater, or even a pub or bar. Some of you are engaged, married, expecting children, or barely mastering the wondrous craft called Raising Offspring. Some of you may have fallen off the face of the earth and even your…



Arthur Ramirez

Aspiring novelist and amateur poet and op-ed writer on gay/queer/GSM topics. CA —> MN —> ? Stick around if I haven’t bored you yet.