i want you to explain this

strange loop

Arthur Ramirez
1 min readJan 23, 2023
Source: Jakub Dziubak from Unsplash

explain to me
why they only eat raspberries and oats
with honey, with the inhumane
delight of stepping over the frozen dead

there’s a novel to be written
of their adamant denial of any inadequacy

explain to me
why they only display superficial
pleasantry when i compliment their
extravagant jacket from d. nolo

there’s a novel to be written
of my unending disdain at their apathy

explain to me
why they cry from afar but keep a
wide berth from anyone with a different
skin color, a different dialect, another class

there’s a novel to be written
of how much i wanna scream into their mouths

such eloquent savagery
they pierce me at the sides
when the line i’m walking

and such exquisite blood is
collected and filtered to repaint
the median lines on north first street



Arthur Ramirez

Aspiring novelist and amateur poet and op-ed writer on gay/queer/GSM topics. CA —> MN —> ? Stick around if I haven’t bored you yet.