
from my lover

Arthur Ramirez
Jan 10, 2023
Source: Annie Spratt from Unsplash

You award me
A badge
in the dark
A milky stream to spill
onto the musky cover

Fastened onto
my left breast
You cheekily smear it
with your thumb,
Into my sternum, into my rib cage

You reward me
with a delicate kiss
Upon my clavicle
Your intoxicating twin
planes, a coveted seal

This molten stain pools
pungent upon my chest
I’ve claimed your signature,
ink still glistening
in the luminous, nocturnal crescent

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Arthur Ramirez

Aspiring novelist and amateur poet and op-ed writer on gay/queer/GSM topics. CA —> MN —> ? Stick around if I haven’t bored you yet.